Photoshop Elements Concept Vision
Photoshop Elements delivers a significant amount of computing power, but its user experience is cumbersome and outdated.
My team initiated a bottom up redesign of Elements 10, in order to lead the product towards a more successful future. To do this, we identified core photo workflows, and then built a new user experience framework to best support them. We created a bold new look with big icons and easy to read fonts, in order to increase usability and beauty. We then built a prototype to demonstrate how motion and animations, when used intelligently and conservatively, make the product experience signficantly more enjoyable.
The Elements 10 design vision was socialized into Adobe's digital imaging organization. While the team chose not to build it, the vision provided inspiration to the Elements team, and also the greater Adobe XD team.
› Creative Direction
› Interaction Design
› Design Management
Gabriel Campbell › Interaction Design Lead
Justin Velo › Visual Design
Proximity Lab › Prototype Development